Disclaimer: This template was created by Vilĉjo Walker. It is supplied without guarantees. I believe that it works correctly, but I accept no responsibility for any loss caused by problems or errors with the script or its installation.
Step 1. Download and install Autohotkey from this website: http://www.autohotkey.com/download/ as follows:
- Either -
click on the Install Autohotkey link to run the installation program directly,
- or -
right-click on the Install Autohotkey link, choose "Save Link As" from the pop-up menu to save the file to a local folder or your desktop, and then run (i.e. double-click on) that saved .exe file to run the installation program.
Step 2. Download this eokey-unicode.ahk script file as follows:
right-click on the eokey-unicode.ahk script file link, choose "Save Link As" from the pop-up menu to save the file to a local folder or your desktop.
You are presented with a dialogue box saying "Esperanto accented letters (type letter then x) are enabled"; click OK.
In the system tray area (usually at the right-end of the taskbar at the bottom of the screen), the Autohotkey icon (a green box with the letter H) shows you that Autohotkey is running; hover the mouse over this icon to see the name of the script that is running.
Now, when you type type C then x you get Ĉ; if you type c then x you get ĉ.
To disable this behaviour, right click on the Autohotkey icon in the system tray area, and in the pop-up menu choose "Suspend hotkeys" to put a tick against it; the icon changes (a green box with the letter S) to show you that the hotkeys are suspended. To resume the behaviour, right-click on the icon and in the pop-up menu choose "Suspend hotkeys" to remove the tick and unsuspend the hotkeys.
Autohotkey script eokey-unicode-silent.ahk is a variation which does not present the inital dialogue/confirmation box when run. If you want your PC to run the Autohotkey automatically, every time it starts up, put this the script into the start menu's "Start > Programs > Startup" folder.
Autohotkey script eokey-htm.ahk is a variation which generates HTML codes for the accented letters instead of the letters themselves. For example, typing C then x gives ĉ (which is the HTML code for ĉ).
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Author: wgtwalker at wgtw.co.uk
Acknowledgement to ManaUser http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/topic21393.html for the function which gets around Autohotkey's unicode limitations
Date Posted: February 2009